Saturday, February 22, 2025

Miniday Revelations 2nd Monday

I just want everyone to know that in using the MiniDay process….I have cleared the way to finding FINALLY my Friday Night Essence. I used to be a journalist in my 20’s and have realized that it was a job of PASSION, NOT WEALTH but now that I’m older, and have had time to POWER THINK it finally hit me, that MY FRIDAY NIGHT ESSENCE IS WRITING THANKS TO THE MINIDAY SCHEDULE. Clearing you mind of clutter, truly allows you to realize your dreams. I have been trying for two years to figure out what my Friday Night Essence was and now I know….so if you’re having problems finding your Friday Night essence, Do the MiniDay Schedule and put into the Schedule POWER THINKING and see what comes out of it….LORI FROM COVINGTON, KY…THANK YOU SO MUCH I’M SO HAPPY TO KNOW FINALLY, WHAWT MY ESSENCE REALLY IS.