Sunday, February 23, 2025

the emphasis is on a md/pt team

the emphasis that was put on the ‘power think’ part of the miniday/power think team really made sense to me at first, mostly.

Before tonight it seemed the emphasis was on a rigid use of the miniday and it was a struggle for me… now my first ‘feeling’ was emphasis now shifted to use of power think.

I heard this but I didn’t connect with it, yet. I listened further and appreciate you mentors for being patient with us, er I mean me…

So I kept asking myself, what’s next? because I don’t get it and I don’t know why I don’t get it… it doesn’t seem to be working in my vision of how things should work… of course THAT isn’t outside of me. If I don’t get it that’s ok but I know WHERE it is… it’s located inside of me. (this disconnect or confusion or whatever you call it… is in me)

then just after the call ended what I got was this image… of me writing out everything on my list of 3 or 4 or even 7 days activities – including what I want too! — that takes hard thinking and I know how to do that — then sort it into chunks of movements, minidays — emphasis is still on ‘flexible’

and flexible shifts back and forth as needed by me to accomplish whatever I want.

by taking conscious control of that ‘flexibility’ – being able and competent to go back and forth – I gain a sense of control. If an unscheduled phone call comes in, that’s ok… because I now have control of the final outcome of three to seven days. the interruption will not be a derailing.

That flexible MD/PT team can give me this kind of control… no worries

Without it, an interruption could have been derailing for several minutes or even hours.

Well, my question is do I understand you mentors in this?

Does it sound like I am starting to ‘get’ it?

Of course I know you aren’t going to answer that question because you are so busy. SO I am going to test my theory … I will test to see if I get synergy. (as per synergy example: steel has 350 PSI tinsel strength resulted by combining 60psi, and 60psi, and 80psi materials)

I am going to work into my power thinking list all the things I WANT but have been unable to do until now – the list for this week will be huge… but I FEEL the need to test this flexibility for synergy.

I have no idea what I will get.

I really feel I don’t know what I am doing. Maybe I will have to learn by zig zagging between miniday and powertthink

until i get used to this and it becomes second nature.