Friday, February 21, 2025

To All Friends and are Mentors Tonight. (My Integrations and Comments:)

Hello Dear Mack Biggs, Michael Burns, all Families and Friends and are Pets:

I just thought about all my fallings out and giving up, I think It’s because I’m usually giving my all, and when I come up so very short, It is one terrible feeling just giving up on hope and settling for what we don’t want anything to do with.

Well, Sometimes when I complete all tasks I feel great, but then everything piles up again and when I don’t see enough of the promise land, I start to get crushed again, and I really want to give up. It hurts so badly sometimes when I don’t see enough progress or I feel like I’m wasting my time; the pain is incredible at times.

Does anybody ever think that there may be a person who overly worked with his hands and life a little more than usual, like even day and night and that he may have a legitimate excuse for taking it a little easy; without calling him a dirty bomb? I suppose just as long as you don’t have much money no matter what you do, the evil world will call you a dirty lazy bomb.

Well for all the blind turkeys out there, of course not you though, Ho no not you. Well to them I say yes! I have a Big Beautiful Lazy Boy Couch right next to me and my Computer work area and it never gets used. Do you think we might be able to get a blind Turkeys to see? I think not; you can forget it. They’re too busy feeding off the anti civilization, turky feed.

In closing I want to say, I can’t thank Steve Repella enough for what he said as he paid attention to Mark Hamilton. Time after time he absolutely and totally wanted to give up, because he could not do it and could not find the way. But he listened to Mark Hamilton, instead of himself and kept going. Steve Repella found the way and look at him now. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Steve.

So with that, I put one foot in front of the other in every way I can and keep stepping forward. I cannot forsake the Heaven on Earth that has already been given me; by giving up. Come on all you Neothinkers, If you have found what heaven is like, let’s all move forward together and bring that heaven down for all Humanity on Earth and lets also bring healing to the Earth it’s self. By using our God-man within we should all be able to live our dreams come true by helping in this manner, by taking stepping forward in this manner.

With All Love And Life In Every Way, To All Of You, Your Neothink Family Members and Companions;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega