Sunday, February 23, 2025

the emphasis is on a md/pt team

the emphasis that was put on the ‘power think’ part of the miniday/power think team really made sense to me at first, mostly.

Before tonight it seemed the emphasis was on a rigid use of the miniday and it was a struggle for me… now my first ‘feeling’ was emphasis now shifted to use of power think.

I heard this but I didn’t connect with it, yet. I listened further and appreciate you mentors for being patient with us, er I mean me…

So I kept asking myself, what’s next? because I don’t get it and I don’t know why I don’t get it… it doesn’t seem to be working in my vision of how things should work… of course THAT isn’t outside of me. If I don’t get it that’s ok but I know WHERE it is… it’s located inside of me. (this disconnect or confusion or whatever you call it… is in me)

then just after the call ended what I got was this image… of me writing out everything on my list of 3 or 4 or even 7 days activities – including what I want too! — that takes hard thinking and I know how to do that — then sort it into chunks of movements, minidays — emphasis is still on ‘flexible’

and flexible shifts back and forth as needed by me to accomplish whatever I want.

by taking conscious control of that ‘flexibility’ – being able and competent to go back and forth – I gain a sense of control. If an unscheduled phone call comes in, that’s ok… because I now have control of the final outcome of three to seven days. the interruption will not be a derailing.

That flexible MD/PT team can give me this kind of control… no worries

Without it, an interruption could have been derailing for several minutes or even hours.

Well, my question is do I understand you mentors in this?

Does it sound like I am starting to ‘get’ it?

Of course I know you aren’t going to answer that question because you are so busy. SO I am going to test my theory … I will test to see if I get synergy. (as per synergy example: steel has 350 PSI tinsel strength resulted by combining 60psi, and 60psi, and 80psi materials)

I am going to work into my power thinking list all the things I WANT but have been unable to do until now – the list for this week will be huge… but I FEEL the need to test this flexibility for synergy.

I have no idea what I will get.

I really feel I don’t know what I am doing. Maybe I will have to learn by zig zagging between miniday and powertthink

until i get used to this and it becomes second nature.



  1. HI Tom, Mack here.
    Let’s see if I can’t net this out for you.

    Before you know what to put on your day timer, you need to create your Power Thinking List. You know what you want to do, you visualize the outcome and all of the tasks required to achieve your desired outcome. You “Power Think” all of those tasks.

    Then you list out those tasks and find all of them that have a similar physical movement. Like, for example making phone calls or purchasing supplies or whatever.

    Then you give each an importance value. Then most important could be a value of 1 (you create your own value system), I use 1 thorough 5, 1 being the highest most important task for all of my projects.

    Then you decide how much time each will take.

    Then you fill out your mini-day (day timer.) see pages 47 – “Step One: List Three Days’ Tasks, Prepare to Integrate”.

    Page 48 “Step 2: Integrate Tasks Into Their Physical Movements.”

    Page 51 “Step 3: Integrate The Physical Movements With Time.”

    Page 54 “Step 4: Integrate The Schedule.”

    On pages 54 and 55 you will see the final result on your Calendar: “Diagram Five Mini-Day/Power-Thinking Team Results”

    I hope this helps. Get on the call next week and ask away… Michael Burns and I are here to assist you.

    Best Regards,

  2. Tom

    Just like a steel alloy has a tensile strength greater than its components, the results of the mini day/power thinking team used with discipline, thought and then control are greater than the individual parts. I am adding tasks to my power thinking list every day and then sort everything out when I set up the next weeks mini day schedule.

    Remember that flexibility still needs iron grip control. You want to be able to respond not react.
    You must control how the potential interuptions will interact with your mini day schedule. Most of which can be dealt with in the next available mini day for that physical movement. There some things that will require insta act, so you deal with it and get right back on schedule.

    All of this will take practice…you will need to fine tune this system as an ongoing process.

    Live long and prosper,
    Michael Burns

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