Sunday, February 23, 2025

Social Contact

I thank you for all your integrations. I thank you all on the call for your integrations. But I think we rely to much on the internet and less Social Contact. Do not get me wrong I thing technology is a great thing. But Technology was create through most of part through social contact, we lack that I think. That is I think why A C are so successful, the social contact. Now some one ask how did I come to NeoThink Society. I came in through Kevin Trudeau and Lured in through the forces of nature and forces of NeoThink. Now back to social contact, once enter into a social setting a master mind is present and that is very important in a social setting. Once again I thank you guys for your integrations. Much love to you all!!!



  1. Linda K. Poynter says

    Hi Mark,
    I’m sorry that I missed the meeting on Monday night. I got called into work for somebody that called off. And it happened again on Tuesday too. I don’t know if I can call tonight or tomorrow night because my phone is not activated as of yet. Question: On my Introductory Meeting am I inviting the regular guys and gals or is this meeting just for new Neothink members in the area? I have a place in mind that I am going to talk to them today. If it is a go, then I will let you know where,and when I will have my Introductory Meeting at and when. Also, will there be a mentor or someone that will be there with me; like you said a First Line person?

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