Saturday, February 22, 2025

Q: & A:

You guys tonight was a night to remember for me. As I can remember my parents, aunts, and neighbors fought over the GOD STEVE REPELA. Jesus Christ himself had better not toutched the dial or it would have been a part 2.

Tonight my question of the mind was answered plain and clear. Draw up the plans, that is with the mini-day and follow them out. Only if nessasary I should put a project on hold and not to long. After the Interuption is over then fall back in line where I left off.

My peoples would love to be in my skin right about now only if they knew.
I am thankful to know who and what I am.

Sincerely, Thanks Socity

Kevin Strickland



  1. Hello friends:

    All I can say in my grueling burnt out state is: Let’s put one foot in front of the other and keep going and work with all America, to build a save and beautiful world for all of us, under God as it started out to be, as it grew too the Strongest nation on earth for God sake and ours, as it can be the leading Edge for All The World, as it works to become, for a most beautiful and safe world for all humanity and civilization, an advancing civilization on earth.

    Good night friends; from Mark Escarcega

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