Sunday, February 23, 2025


very good job for us, two mentor teaching us clearly, but problem is when i wanted do my self every thing mass up,some day work well, most of the day don’t work, some day horrible situation,this means still wrong i am doing,i believe one day i can control it.I am learning some thing different than before. Thank you Mack and Mike.



  1. Steve Fagan says

    The mini-day program is a ongoing work in progress. The important thing is that each and everyone one of us starts to take action. It is not comfortable in the beginning, but gets better and better with fortitude and patience, but never give up and keep attending the Monday night calls. Nice Job Mack and Michael..

  2. Thank you for the kind words. You need to keep working on your Mini-Day as Steve said, it is a work in-progress.

  3. Hello again Mack Biggs and Michael Moore:

    This is Mark Escarcega and today is July, 18 2011 (Monday) regarding the 6:00 P.M. (PST) Mentor meeting.

    The Lady Poet Artest with the instent insperations and instent insights and ideas or instent Poetry, All that falls under our (Sunday Power thinking list)- (Her creative Poetry Insights.) What she needs to do is, take her Power Thinking List around with her all week long. So she can get all the instent insperations and insights and new ideas, or Poetry down on her power thinking list.

    That will be her starting points for completing all her Poetry creations, into the sembulence that she desires, or for her most valued plans. Then once she gets them inserted into her mini day schedual, she can word on each and everyone of them as she’s inspired to act on which ever she feels most feasable, for working on, to create her puzzle and superpuzzle pieces.

    (This is one way to get work her mini day program going.) In my mind, this is exactly what will work for her.) Whatever she can’t finish, can be moved to next week and so on, just as Michael suggested.

    (Once she has all those Poetry different insights on her mini days, she can pounce on then in multible ways as she is inspired.) Thanks, may be this will help. Seem to me this insight will do the job for her. Mark E.

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