Sunday, February 23, 2025

mini-day comments

While the mini-day concept is not new to me, between my former job (retired) and being caregiver to my late wife during her last twelve years, I had little opportunity to think much about mini-days. There were so many erratically appearing small emergencies which eventually grew into larger ones, so that in the last six months of her life she required professional care. It has been only this spring and summer, since I received my first Society letter that I’ve been able to give the m-d further consideration. More later.



  1. Hello William Eisenberg:

    This is your mentor training class mate, Mark Escarcega. Sometimes we start to see what we feel, all the impossibilities and the reasons we can’t make it. (But of the C. of U., we don’t believe in Imposibilities) I am going on in behalf of my beloved Susan and I, I want to continue creating all our dreams come ture, even more so as I go into the future.

    William, I sometimes get hit with the feelings of it being totally impossible and I can’t create a better future in our behalf, to honor us and the life we’ve been given. But William, I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. No matter what situation you end up in, use all the Neothink concepts you can and don’t ever stop. You can do that no matter how difficult the situation you are in.

    William, you can write a note, of your hopes, your dreams, your goals, in behalf of your beloved and you. even if It’s just a word or two. It only get’s so difficult because were in some kind of a rut. But we are doing it for the sake of a most blessed life for us and for all. (We will be working on All Are Dreams Come True.) So William, just take any little or tiny step and never stop, keep growing in the direction of the life we were all meant to live for one and for all. (All our Dreams Come Ture.)

    All I can say William is that is does seem to get very difficult at times. Sometimes we may fall out, but let’s just keep getting back up and heading in the right direction, keeping our eyes on the life we were ment to live. That way, we continue to live in the creation of all our most precious dreams come true. And you can betcha all of us who believe in building the C. of U. on Earth, we all love you and are rooting for you, with each and every step you take, no matter how small it may be.

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