Thursday, February 20, 2025

Mini Day and Power Thinking Tips

From Michael Burns

Helpful Tips

Mini Day Tips 

Mini days are physical movements not projects or subjects

Have a sheet of paper with you to list tasks

Put down the time that seems reasonably right and start

Arrange your mini days to most effectively interact with your day

The mini day schedule integrates physical movements with time

Monitor the effectiveness of your mini day time designation

Use discipline and integrity to stay on your mini day schedule

List the tasks to do that day under the corresponding mini day slot

You have the flexibility to create a new mini day

A task may be a physical movement needing its own mini day

You may require mini days that occur less regularly than every day

The moment a task comes to mind write it in schedule or list

Prioritize problems as they appear to maintain iron grip control

Put things in a file or basket immediately to insure they are handled quickly

Use operations mini day to sort things out or take quick action on tasks

When you are away and things pile up sort them immediately into mini days

Immediately put follow up tasks into mini day schedule

When you finish all tasks in mini day go to next days’ tasks in same mini day

If you get off track get back on as soon as possible

Mini day schedule makes it easy to schedule ahead and not forget anything

Keep a file for each mini day

Neothink system stimulates vertical and horizontal thinking for value creation

Push hard with power thinking into new projects

Power thinking is a mini day

You may want to take back delegated responsibilities

Schedule meetings into mini days

Control the majority of your time

Prioritize interruptions to be dealt with now or into appropriate mini day

Work out schedule that is best for your situation

Control as much interaction with others as is possible

Keep mini day schedule at your fingertips

Teach others the Neothink system after you have become proficient

Personal life can be organized into mini days


   Power Thinking Tips 

Start with one project then power think every thing

Do power thinking once a week before the next week

Remove steps completed and then add new steps and projects

Use discipline to initially stay with power thinking projects

You may need to break out steps as projects to get better efficiency

Keep your power thinking list handy to add new steps as you think of them

Prevent clutter by immediately moving items into the system

Put all projects and thoughts into power thinking list

Force new projects into areas you would never consider before

The personal and financial rewards are far beyond the effort spent

Recognize the personal aspects of your life that lend themselves to power thinking



  1. Sherrye Phillips says

    Hi Mark, I just read and wrote down all of the Mini Day and Power Thinking Tips to help me on my journey. They will be by my side daily. Not only will I be the woman I was meant to be in this life, but I will be the woman no one ever thought I could be. Thank you Neothink for allowing me to search deep within myself and find what’s truly there. I always knew it was there, I just needed help finding it. Thank you so much, I Love You All….

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