Friday, February 21, 2025

Mark, Short Note For Steve Rapella. ( Comments:)

Dearest Steve Rapella:

We are all looking to create Miracles and we have to do this each and every single moment and day of our lives. You have given me the strength again to stand and keep standing. Steve, I fall, so I suppose I should consider a gun at my head and stop falling. Just because we’re learning, doesn’t mean we have to be falling out. I’ll Keep at it Steve.

Thanks’ so very much Steve, I’m channeling to you to get well soon, so get some good rest up. God-men strength to you always. Thanks’ again for reminding us of the way we need to go.
Yours Truly;
Mr. Mrs. MarkandSusan Escarcega Strain or Mark Escarcega



  1. Dear Mark, I would like to talk to you person to person. I believe that I have the ability that you are looking for, at least you told me in your letters. Have you heard of nerve spikings tickle patterns? This is a very serious. I hope to hear from you when you get this email. Thank you, Mark, for your efforts. Your true friend, Debbie

  2. Hello Debbie Kimsey:

    If you want to talk, at the next Mentor Meeting let me hear from you and I’ll give you my phone number, or you can leave yours.

    Debbie Kimsey, I never heard of those patterns you’re talking about. But to put it in language that I do understand, I would say my problem is I don’t want an anti-civilization controlling me.

    Thanks for offering your support. It’s getting late here so have a good night and God-man’s best to you. Mark Escarcega

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