Sunday, February 23, 2025

Darlene’s Integration Thoughts 7-30-2012…

The Monday NeoThink Phone Session and domain continue evolving into what I envisioned these NT sessions could be and do – – align and integrate with ever-improving NT literature, so as to personally more easily and more fully comprehend, then use the wise guidance within NT literature and NT discoveries… In the process we each learn how to inspire, facilitate, and work with others to also learn the NT knowledge and use the wisdom to efficiently, effectively and harmonically work together to create ideal conditions from our life-expressions, thus creating ideal-networks within family and communities…. including LOCAL Clubhouses…

Next part of vision toward doing these is this communication/networking/learning system is to incorporate GVO meeting rooms and webinar program for moderators/guides to while doing sessions show Internet domain documents and visual presentations…. Many of us are visual learners… we have to see AND hear to learn and apply what is learned….

Together we can transmute: “The busy outnumber the productive by a wide margin.” TO: The neo-thinking productive greatly outnumbering chaos-creators and END value-destructive busy-ness….

We can learn how to identify and put the BIG rocks in FIRST, then empower pebbles and sand to smoothly flow in… In the Ideal Survive and Thrive System: FIRST do what is vital to survive, then the thrive-activities that create ideal life-styles easily flow in around the main events…

Celebrate Life and having life’s blessings more abundantly…

Cheers from Darlene S.  in southern Indiana



  1. I read this 5 times. I am suprised no one have replied to this by now. It is very good.

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