Thursday, February 20, 2025

12/12/16 Batch 17

tracking reports – powerful stuff!

keeps people motivated
let work control the people
like a score card
design reports to force detail – can evolve over time
power think to figure out what to put in them
one TR for each responsibility in a tail of Resp.
TRs provide real-time info
TRs can show trends – use them to make biz grow/$$$

Kekich Credo – laugh! even when it’s hard to 🙂

Neothink mind is mysticism free and needed to evolve.

use special tools to capture vast integrations and go beyond

essence driven mini-companies
work manages the people
TRs must be done right and on time
just essential info

let’s you see/predict trouble before it takes hold

if a mini-company fails if doesn’t put your company at risk – you can change the head of the mini-company if need be

split respon – create MUCH more work! keep integrated!!! – you also can’t track if split

mini-companies allow horizontal growth

IRON GRIP control through TRs of the mini-companies

carry on!! upward!


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