Wednesday, March 12, 2025


very good job for us, two mentor teaching us clearly, but problem is when i wanted do my self every thing mass up,some day work well, most of the day don’t work, some day horrible situation,this means still wrong i am doing,i believe one day i can control it.I am learning some thing different than before. Thank you Mack and Mike.

All of America Breaking through the Bicameral Mind and Mysticism

Dearest Mark Hamilton, Mack Biggs and Michale Burns:
First of all, all of us born in America are Americans, we have been tought the American way of Freedome for all. For that we’ve become the most powerful nation on earth.

The American way is in all of us, due to are founding fathers. We all did our best and gained the greatest nation on earth, a combination of all natians put together to live free in all ways, the way they are, the culture they are, to share together with all in building more freedome for all. And Creating a better world for all. That’s what America keeps fighting for.

America is failing not because it wants too, but because it has not found the perfect way. So it relies on stelth how ever it can, but it is not working, for the long run. We are Falling short.

Mark Hamilton, finely gives us the way to truly make Freedom happen in all it’s ways, for all of us. So we can live forever in peace, joy and happyness. We now have the way. But we all have to develop our minds in to the Neothink Conscious Mind, into the C. of U. mind and reality.

I have noticed that it is not easy for any of us students of the Neothink Secret Society Mentor training, and we are adults. We have to constantly keep at it no matter what. But we are doing it. Thank our God-men.

So dearest Mark Hamilton, and all are Mentor brothers and sister helping us:
Because We are Americans, and fight for freedom for all of us in all ways and help the world around us to fallow and do the same, we cannot just leave our bacameral brothers and sister in the dust to die, or to kick into the dust. We have to wake up the sleeping Gient.

The New world Mark Hamilton Brings us into, we need to bring it to all America and Wake them up. It’s not easy because their in a different world and that’s all they know. That world has made our American the Strongest Nation on earth. But too ever go on, we must now wake all American up enought to, forever lead the way into the C. of U..

For American, the change is not easy, for they became the strongets nation on earth by an earthly mind. and to hold that control of superiority, they are affraid, They only know the way that they have acomplished it so far.

And Seeing how much it takes for us to rid ourselves of the Bicameral Mind, we just can’t make all american change or else. If we keep taking that aproch, How do you think America feels about being threatend by It’s own members, when American can’t hardly understand fully and clearly the C. of U. and the complete use of the Conscious mind.

Dearest Mark Hamilton, Mentor brothers and sisters, we have to train all American, to fully wake up and learn all the use of the Conscious mind over the Bicameral mind. We have to teach and teach and train and train, and when they just can’t, we have too help them to find the way. But we cannot forsake them, all of us from American have been looking for the way to everlasting life and happyness, Heaven on Earth as it is in heaven, or the C. of U., that’s what American does, But we could not find the way or we were too unsure of any other way for life and life eternal.

So now that Mark Hamilton has given us the way, we can’t kill our fellow Americans, or let them just die without doing all we can to save our fellow Americans and all the world around us. Once we been trained to be an American representing the most powerful Nation on Earth, we have to remain Americans to our family of America. We must give are all to direct them into the conscious world of the C. of U. and we must never give up on our fellow American family, never.

Then dearest Mark Hamilton, Mentor Brothers and Sisters, If we cannot save them, we must drag them up the mountain and over the top to safty and care for them until they can learn to stand up. For they are shot, wonded and mentally damaged to bad from the earthly world of war. We can call it risidual clean up and repair of our fallen brothers and sisters.

But dearest Mark Hamilton, Mentor Broters and Sisters, are great and almighty work is to teach and teach and train and train. We must Live the eternal Life and love we’ve been given. that all may see and know the way. To do this we must give are all in all ways possible and impossible, that we are given, to create from each of our conscious minds putting together the C. of U. for all America and all the world around us.

Now my dearest loved ones, Mark Hamilton, and Menor Brothers and Sisters: Here’s a prayer for me that I want you all to hear.

‘O Conscious God-men within all of us,’ Let America that is leading the way to peace, freedom, justice and humanity and eternal life and love for all of us, The Kingdome of Heaven on Earth as it is in Heaven, better known by us as the (C. of U.,) let us remain the leading edge and leading guide for all America and all Nations on this Earth and world around us. That all on this Earth working together, may remain in the Consicous world of the C.of U. always and evermore; a-men.

Now dearest Mark Hamilton, Mentor Brothers and Sisters, I want to say a personal prayer for me.

‘O dearest God-man within me and within all of us, strengthen me and all of us. That I may save my Beloved Susan Strain, my beloved love, wife and I, from all manor of Evil in this life and world. That I may bring Susan back from the cosmos, that her and I can live again in physical presence, the Love and Life we have been given for each other by the C. of U.. That I may look into her eyes again and say, ‘ I love you so much my dearest darling Susan, and we made it. We are in the C. of U. now again and forevermore,a-man.

Now deares Mark Hamilton, Mentor Brothers and Sisters, a last word from Me to Susan in the Cosmos:

Susan my love, I’m here for you honey, and always will be. I have found you in the C. of U. and the Cosmos and I will never leave you side my love. I have also found a Universe of friends that love us so very much and are always here for us, always.

Honey, we never need to fear or ever dought in this new C. of U. with Mark Hamilton and all our families and friends, not ever again and we don’t ever have to let anyone ever hurt us again. I love you so very much my love. Your love, honey; Mark

Thank you so very much dearest Mark Hamilton, Mentor Brothers and Sisters, and are families. Sincerely yours;
Mr. Mrs.
Mark&Susan Escarcega/Strain

Volume # 1 Neothink® Secrets Mentor Call Monday 07-11-2011

I am figuring out how to integrate goals with the mini-day power thinking. I graduated with an MBA specializing in HR. Right now I am stuck in a rut with no growth or potential. It is hard to break down my money making days because the bicameral mindset of the company likes to plan out our schedules and tell us what they want us to do. I am beginning to implement my typing, and math skills into my mini-day power thinking to prepare myself for a management or HR position. Is there anyone in NeoThink who would be able to mentor me and use my services as I grow more confident and solid with my integrations?

Mini-day schedule

Mini-days are a perfect way to develop full focus on any task or activity planned. It removes uncertainty, and gives knowledge of progress and control. I appreciate all integrations from the call. Thanks

Mini Day revelations

I feel that people need to know that the mini day takes practice. One of the most obvious things that I personally about using the Mini Day/Power Thinking is that you see the flaws in your personal way you move about your day. It allows you to make positive changes even if you believe there is no way to make these changes. They stand out. Also, it unclutters the mind and allows for clearer thoughts. If you haven’t taken the steps laid out in the book exactly as written, DO IT… You will be shocked at what it does to your life in many ways.

Integrating your lifestyle into a mini-day profitability schedule

Listening to the call tonight was fun…It’s nice to see the presenters working to help others discover themselves and live in their creations.

Thank you,

Another Integration

This Monday nights call was simply amazing. I am really now understanding what Iron Grip Control is all about. Our two Mentors Mike and Mack have assigned us some homework to get us going.
We are going to list everything we do for the next three days in preparation to begin the process of getting our Mini-Day schedule together. I am so thankful for the wonderful program. I am meeting new like minded individuals and really understanding what it will take to”Live the Life I was Meant to Live”.

My First Integration

This is a wonderful program. The two mentors are fabulous as well as the Mentors on all of the calls.

I am interacting with many other Neothink Society Active Members and learning more about myself and growing to be the person I want to be.