Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Amazing call = Nov 30

Best call I have been on. So much information packed into this call tonight. I’ve really begun to take these concepts and pull them into a framework of potential for myself. This was the first call that I have been on in awhile, and I was blown away with value. Thank you all so much. It’s time for me to get down to business šŸ™‚

Peak times

Thank you – I am currently focusing my attention on making my mini-days and mini-projects more effective. I realized that I had not been looking at my peak active times and really excited to make this into may power-thinking when planning my weekly mini-days.

Am I on the right track?

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This was my first Monday night call, and it helped put things into perspective. Iā€™m an infant in the society, still under 5 months, though I have always, through my whole life, thought in pictures. I was bullied so early and by so many, because I was supposed to ā€œrespect my elders,ā€ that I was always putting myself out to make others happy. Giving up what I had worked for willingly, for almost 30 years. Iā€™m 35, and earlier this year I quit my chefā€™s job, with the full intention of opening a restaurant. I knew it wouldnā€™t work the way I was thinking, so I went with my father to a Real Estate seminar. I was enlightened a little, that wore off in a couple days, and we never bought the mentorship program. I knew something was wrong when they said ā€œwell, this $50k program, we can knock this off, Iā€™m not supposed to do this, how about $5k?ā€
And we found another, $300 for all these real estate tools, free weekend! Now this weekend was a little different, we had the chance to hear from and meet Joseph McLendon III ( I hope I spelled that right) which thankfully had nothing really to do with real estate.
We have not moved forward, I canā€™t speak for my father, but I was always uncomfortable when talking about the contracts (going back to one of my first live calls yesterday).
Well, I have an agreement signed on a property now, and I am using information from tonights call to record every step taken in the process of a real estate deal.
I know, real estate is definitely not a field that neo-thinkers would typically enter into, but I have been researching it for over a year now, and now with these tools, Iā€™m positive I can bring values to this industry. I am so happy to see that, finally , by actually attacking the market, finding the value you can provide, and doing so with fully integrated honesty, and without contracts, is completely possible, even in such an industry as real estate. To clarify, the property I have under agreement, the owner was hit by the recent mortgage insurance increase and this extra property he is renting is losing him money and messing up his credit. On the flip side, Iā€™m going to talk the tenant and see if she would be at all interested in buying it! I think I know someone, helped my Dad out of a house, that can get her some honest financing! Iā€™m so very excited for the new year! Iā€™ve been in the depths of hell, and I can see the way out now! Thank You Mack Mike and the entire society!
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Tony Hendrix

p.s. If there is anybody in the society working in Real Estate, or if there is anybody in the society around Denver, please contact me! I still feel a little alone scratching in the dark, and I’m sure progress is being made.


Thank you Mack and Mike for this call. I usually have a presentation meeting on Monday night, whereas I always miss the live call, but I do appreciate the recording. I have learned much within all my business ventures because of this powerful Monday night call. Again I would like to give my appreciation for the call. Love Juanita


I’L thanh Mark Hamilton for show the input and output of business and integrate,being a player and creator of creator of value in neothink by show us how leap for mankinds in business to see our Friday-night essence and find youself in business by discover your GOD-MAN,BY be come the personal you are to be in life. by use neothink and integrate.

monday call.

It was great night Monday all about levels of business and how to go about it i’l thank MARK HAMILTON in his books all his ideas about business and integrate and value creator and the puzzle of life and big picture of business mean what you are mean to become in neothink integrate of life.

Neothink Monday

Hello Michael and Mack,

Mack you mentioned getting up early to write your Mini Day schedule for the day. I did that this week, I list my tasks and scheduled the time on each day, instead of scheduling tasks for the week. I’m pleased that I’ve been able to mostly stay on time with my tasks. Thank You! Deborah

Secrets Call

Tonight’s call was very informative. Mike and Mack discussed the mini-day schedule and power thinking. This continued discussion about them is very helpful. Thank you for your time and effort.

Great call.

Thanks for slowing things down a bit for us to better grasp the information. You guys are all great mentors.

Thanks for everything. Best in in segment I’ve ever made.

Warm regards.

Inner Circle Secrets Introduction

The call tonight was very informative. It covered the Introduction to the Inner Circle Secrets. Comments made by listeners were also informative. I am listening to the replay tomorrow. Thank you for your time and effort. It is greatly appreciated.