Wednesday, March 12, 2025

15 seconds miracles

Very good informations on 15 seconds mircales

twelve vision

I lost my second wife in 2011 after 27 years of marriage and know the loneliness of being widowered. I now have after three years of loneliness and i got married again and now have happiness but I still remember and miss her and the happiness we had.

Secrets- Monday 9/18/17

I understand the absolute necessity to initiate an empire from the get-go as a Neothink company without a country and with many mini-companies. The mini-company is better-suited to tailor the products or services for cultural, geographical and utilitarian relevance. I personally need to learn how to structure my international business according to Neothink principles from the inception phase to sales, marketing and delivery to the end-user/consumer while bypassing/avoiding bureaucratic red tape. I fully intend to utilize and integrate Neothink Business Networking. Who within the Neothink Society is proficient with Website creation, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and IT (Information Technology)?

12/12/16 Batch 17

tracking reports – powerful stuff!

keeps people motivated
let work control the people
like a score card
design reports to force detail – can evolve over time
power think to figure out what to put in them
one TR for each responsibility in a tail of Resp.
TRs provide real-time info
TRs can show trends – use them to make biz grow/$$$

Kekich Credo – laugh! even when it’s hard to 🙂

Neothink mind is mysticism free and needed to evolve.

use special tools to capture vast integrations and go beyond

essence driven mini-companies
work manages the people
TRs must be done right and on time
just essential info

let’s you see/predict trouble before it takes hold

if a mini-company fails if doesn’t put your company at risk – you can change the head of the mini-company if need be

split respon – create MUCH more work! keep integrated!!! – you also can’t track if split

mini-companies allow horizontal growth

IRON GRIP control through TRs of the mini-companies

carry on!! upward!

12/05/16 Vision 4

So much information in 4! (notes from heirloom 2)

to stop aging is to achieve bio-immortality

3 part (cause and effect) process to achieve
1). depoliticize civilization – by removing regulation and allowing for the leap from bicameral mentality to NeoThink!

2). replace burden of life with exhilaration of life by FNE – find your joy in life! do it! become a value creator

3). cure cellular degeneration (easy part!) – achieve parts 1 and 2

bicameral man – no inner mind space. only reacted to external stimli, no choice, no decision making – or judgement, etc. —- trance-like automatons

guided by nervous system in form of neurological impulses from rigth to left chamber as audio hallucinations (voices of gods)

right chamber absorbs and absorbs and absorbs information nonstop

left brain one day “sees” a picture or puzzle and goes AHA! – usually only under stress when forced to make a decision

the metaphor and spoken language allowed for this man made evolvement (not nature driven)

Jesus was conscious! brought new mind space to the peasant – the kingdom of God is within you (i.e. your brain/consciousness)

Jesus united man and god —ONE

Pharisees/ruling class divided by creating the Church who alone could communicate with God – thus separation into the dark ages

religions/theocracies – mutation of bicameral mentality – external authorities – modern governments

A conscious mind should guide itself!

supersocity shall deprogram bicameral programming (of becoming a self-leader)

NEOTHINK – man-controlled mentality

(notes from call)

integrate all 12 visions to release the self leader!

mysticism and BOL hold most people back

re-summary of 3 methods to achieve:

1) political
Bicameral –> limited, competitive

NEOTHINK –> UNlimited, CREATIVE! 🙂 hoot hoot!

2). psychological
burden/of/life…LEAP…> EXHILARATION
(val producer) (value creator)

3) cause and effect! clear 1 and 2

Help build the future! become the person you were meant to be (PYWMTB!)

VISION overviews covered

touched on NAPL – pipeline protects and the lengths peoples are willing to go to for a cause – inspirational, they were willing to self destruct (subzero temps, water cannons)

END the rule of Man (ROM) to LAUNCH Wealth of Mankind (WOM)

find your external authorities and eradicate them!

Batch 16 Replicating

They only way to expand your business is by replicating.

Only by replicating can you maintain iron grip control -i.e. make sure things are done they way they need to be

delegation fails because there is no integration and the ceo/owner/boss loses touch with the tasks/details and control of the tail/chain of responsibilities

when someone (employee) knows the goals and methods of the AOP job and knows teh what, how, why and where as well, then he can apply his own intelligence and personality to the job to improve on it (from one of the call leaders)!

3 demands:
1. nitty gritty details
2. crucial details (that which is not yet integrated)
3. essence of business

mind/body integrations results from replication and are needed for success – harmony between the two in working.

use working meetings along the way of replicating a AOP job.

the employee will know when they are ready for more and they can handle it, they will tell you to take over more crucial responsibilities. eventually they will begin creating new wealth for you.

delegation is like playing games. NeoThink is no-nonsense business! – building a business

Mini companies can be for a new market or product line – you can choose the direction to build your business! a conscious decision based on information

Batch 15 – Great Call1

What a gift to be able to read along (in similar fashion to learning modality in level 1 lesson) in Volume One (self capture) of my third heirloom. I had just re-read Visions One and Two as part of my homework and I love there themes and ideas are repeated over and over to drill it home. Such value in listening. It reminded me of what I’m learning from other mentors – they way I do one thing is the way I do everything – and it’s about suiting up and showing up and doing the best I can – performing! And business is fine tuning that, to greater and greater efficiencies – like an art form.
Some points:
– never had heard of David Kekich- 100 credos.. nice addition #88 – produce more than you consume! “leave something in better condition than when you found it” – such a basic ethos for living
– overcome mysticism –> drive into power thinking
– performance pay- must be explicit and transparent – quarterly set up, mini-negociation
– dont’ delegate / areas of essence / wealth pumps

business, like self, is a drive for continuous improvement

I could go on. I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to reading along each week through the whole book. And to have a former Toshiba exec! Where else could I get that advice? And who knew a hardware store manager could teach me so much. Business is business is life. I have a lot to learn and am eager to continue doing so.

Social Contact

I thank you for all your integrations. I thank you all on the call for your integrations. But I think we rely to much on the internet and less Social Contact. Do not get me wrong I thing technology is a great thing. But Technology was create through most of part through social contact, we lack that I think. That is I think why A C are so successful, the social contact. Now some one ask how did I come to NeoThink Society. I came in through Kevin Trudeau and Lured in through the forces of nature and forces of NeoThink. Now back to social contact, once enter into a social setting a master mind is present and that is very important in a social setting. Once again I thank you guys for your integrations. Much love to you all!!!


Hello, I enjoyed listening to the replay of the call. Early on in the call, Steve Fagan mentioned getting speakers together for the TVP. I think that is a major idea. We need to have people giving talks or speeches to the general public in order


I’L thanh Mark Hamilton for show the input and output of business and integrate,being a player and creator of creator of value in neothink by show us how leap for mankinds in business to see our Friday-night essence and find youself in business by
mentor,self leader god-man.