Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mind opening

Very informative and mind opening thanks

vision one

Very informative topic thanks

10/22/18 call

Thanks for emphasizing the importance of a budgets and probing your Expectations vibrations and what you want vibrations to make sure they are in line with each other. Then attach the numbers. Great call.

Mini- days NEOTHINK 1 1 key book step 4

great way to get things done. thank MR Hamilton.

step three ( Investing in self)

Very interesting Knowledge is Power. Self education building Integrated knowledge.

Project Curiosity

Very Interesting .Integrating thinking,taking control, id’ing the purpose of department into wealth building.

Monday night (Insight Ten) Know your Future

Stimulate instead of educate the Twelve Vision Party to bring around the Great Replacement Program.
That is my Future.

Boot camp #4 376958#

thanks Jill And Tom. Will start to put it into action

Insight Seven

Great descriptions of the TVP Party. We need to get fifty Million neothinkers to get this Party installed as a Political party and get a TVP President. Who will get the Prime Law into the law of the land.

Insight 1 Know Your World

I need to learn how to sink the BOAT