Saturday, February 22, 2025

Neothink® Secrets Batch 9


Neothink® Secrets Batch 9 

Smashing the Myths


Traditional planning and scheduling tasks, projects and goals

Traditional scheduling misses out on integration

Mini day/power thinking team opens the door to forward movement


Setting priorities to accomplish meaningful projects

Properly integrate all responsibilities and tasks

Everything must be integrated into mini day schedule


Avoiding nitpicking work to get important work done

Integrate details into Neothink® Control

Miscellaneous details can be captured in operations mini day


Delegating to free up time for forward movement

Gain control with replication

Properly integrate all tasks for maximum control, efficiency and profits


Breaking free from details to do the executives job

First hand knowledge of details gains integrated control

Search out details to strengthen overall integrated picture


Reducing meetings

Use meetings to integrate people to expand business

Essence meetings are used to gain time, leverage and development


Stopping interruptions to concentrate on getting ahead

Legitimate communications must integrate into schedule

Create a specific flow of vital information


Passing down problems to free oneself for creative thought

Systematically take in everything and integrate the challenges

Problems are merely situations looking for a solution


Avoiding pressure

Stress occurs as a result of fear (false evidence appearing real)

Your career becomes so well integrated you will never lose control


Positive thinking

Only integration provides control for positive results

Mini day/power thinking team provides integration of iron grip control

Neothink® Secrets Batch 8


Neothink® Secrets Batch 8 

Helpful Tips


Mini Day Tips

Mini days are physical movements not projects or subjects

Have a sheet of paper with you to list tasks

Put down the time that seems reasonably right and start

Arrange your mini days to most effectively interact with your day

The mini day schedule integrates physical movements with time

Monitor the effectiveness of your mini day time designation

Use discipline and integrity to stay on your mini day schedule

List the tasks to do that day under the corresponding mini day slot

You have the flexibility to create a new mini day

A task may be a physical movement needing its own mini day

You may require mini days that occur less regularly than every day

The moment a task comes to mind write it in schedule or list

Prioritize problems as they appear to maintain iron grip control

Put things in a file or basket immediately to insure they are handled quickly

Use operations mini day to sort things out or take quick action on tasks

When you are away and things pile up sort them immediately into mini days

Immediately put follow up tasks into mini day schedule

When you finish all tasks in mini day go to next days’ tasks in same mini day

If you get off track get back on as soon as possible

Mini day schedule makes it easy to schedule ahead and not forget anything

Keep a file for each mini day

Neothink® system stimulates vertical and horizontal thinking for value creation

Push hard with power thinking into new projects

Power thinking is a mini day

You may want to take back delegated responsibilities

Schedule meetings into mini days

Control the majority of your time

Prioritize interruptions to be dealt with now or into appropriate mini day

Work out schedule that is best for your situation

Control as much interaction with others as is possible

Keep mini day schedule at your fingertips

Teach others the Neothink® system after you have become proficient

Personal life can be organized into mini days









Power Thinking Tips

Start with one project then power think every thing

Do power thinking once a week before the next week

Remove steps completed and then add new steps and projects

Use discipline to initially stay with power thinking projects

You may need to break out steps as projects to get better efficiency

Keep your power thinking list handy to add new steps as you think of them

Prevent clutter by immediately moving items into the system

Put all projects and thoughts into power thinking list

Force new projects into areas you would never consider before

The personal and financial rewards are far beyond the effort spent

Recognize the personal aspects of your life that lend themselves to power thinking

Neothink® Secrets Batch 7


Neothink® Secrets Batch 7 

Overcoming Mini Day/Power Thinking Problems   


Overcoming mini day/power thinking misconceptions

Neothink® Control removes stress

Schedule mini days for personal and family time

Schedule mini days for sleep, eating, exercise, chores etc


Overcoming conflicts with power thinking

Mini days focus on movements

Power thinking focuses on projects

Power thinking means moving into self guidance and integrated thinking

Methods for streamlining mini day power thinking integration

Project steps directly into mini day schedule

List steps specific to each project

You determine the best and most efficient approach


Diagram 6

Compare and contrast with diagrams 4 & 5

Notice how projects are broken down into discrete steps

Notice the common denominators for forward movement


Overcoming conflicts with the mini day schedule

Deadline may demand a dominant movement

Leverage of the mini day comes from the intensity it delivers

Establishing mini days sets deadlines

Executive deadlines are subjects that break down into movements

Dominant movement under a deadline becomes a movement in itself

Dominant movement can become a primary movement

Business and personal details can become secondary movement


The mini day in reverse schedule: a powerful concept

Primary movement careers dictated by deadlines drives intensity

Work thru secondary movements quickly to focus on primary movement


Neothink® Secrets Batch 6


Neothink® Secrets Batch 6 


Stepping into Neothink®

Metaphor is when one thing is spoken of as if it were another thing

Analogy is the inference that certain resemblances imply further similarity

New mind space that can make judgments, form opinions and introspect

Beginning of thinking, self control, decision making and consciousness


How today’s Conscious Mind Works

Can at any moment switch into conceptual conscious mode

Thoughts activate behavior


How the Neothink® Mind Works

Evolves beyond automatic thought to self guidance and integrated thinking

Acts on many integrated thoughts at a time

Any person can build larger than life fortunes and happiness

Build a civilization for the greatest benefit of yourself and others


You Have Taken Your First Step

Mini day/power thinking team is first step into Neothink®

Mini day schedule captures the vast integrations of power thinking


Soaring With Your First Neothink® Tool

Each action comes from integration of thoughts all coming together

Go beyond the processing capacity of the conscious mind by pulling together all the puzzle pieces into a complete picture


Without Neothink® There is No Way out of Stagnation

Remove limitations to move into the integrated world of Neothink®

Imagine power thinking and moving projects thru mini days to completion


In San Francisco

Break your goal into steps

Take the first step and do not ever give up…always move forward

Use these tools to move thru your dreams…then on to bigger dreams

Nearly every person would like to build something in their lifetime

Now you are ready to move on to greater power…deep into Neothink®


The remaining pages in the self capture secrets section provide valuable tips how to overcome some common challenges and how to dismiss harmful myths


The next section, the company capture secrets will take you thru the next evolution from mysticism plagued consciousness to mysticism free Neothink®


Neothink® Secrets Batch 5


Neothink® Secrets Batch 5


Getting Started

The only valid priority in business is integration

Integration is the essence of the mini day schedule

Power thinking requires grasping entire fully integrated projects or essences

Focus on the final outcome of a finished project

Determine what actions will accomplish a finished project

Think hard about every step needed

Integrate the vast array of responsibilities needed

Write down each step to create your power thinking list

Acquire a day timer schedule book

Determine actions needed to do each step and record each action into physical movements

Repeat power thinking list for each project

Transfer items from power thinking list to mini day schedule

Set Up Your Mini Days

Start your integration with money and power

Do the following step by step exercise

Step 1: List 3 Days Tasks, Prepare to Integrate

List every task done during the day as you do them

Use action verbs to describe the physical movement

Also list tasks that you wanted or planned to do but did not have time to do


Step 2: Integrate Tasks into Their Physical Movements

Determine the basic physical movements

Name & number the most common physical movements

Assign tasks to physical movements

Assemble stray tasks under operations

Step 3: Integrate the Physical Movements with Time

Divide your time to most effectively use the handful of physical movements

Divide your hours among those physical movements


Step 4: Integrate the Schedule

Determine the best use of each time period throughout the day

Organize the movements into the most effective time slots


Becoming the Money/Power Giant

Once placed in the mini day schedule a multitude of tasks are easily dealt with

With this system the average human can take a giant step into Neothink®



Neothink® Secrets Batch 4


Neothink® Secrets Batch 4


Pulling in the Future

Traditional daily schedule quickly fills to capacity and can only react

Mini day schedule rarely fills to capacity and opens a new dimension of control

Build wealth instead of maintaining job

Break down large complex projects…power thinking list

Visualize end result

Itemize each step required

Organize by physical movements

Plug everything into appropriate mini day


Starting Your Own Business with Iron Grip Control

Create forward movement on many projects at any one time

Mini day/power thinking team

Smoothly handle many responsibilities

Launches ordinary people toward success

First step into Neothink®


Moving Toward Neothink®

Do not stop and wait for external guidance…always move forward

Creating and building wealth requires integrated thinking


Residual Bicameral Limitations of the Conscious Mind

Confront and remove all traces of mysticism (an ongoing process)

Power thinking integrates the future

Integrated thinking builds wealth


Moving Beyond the Bicameral Mode into the Integrating Mode

Focus on one project at a time

Focus on the image of the completed project

Determine the steps needed to complete the project

List the physical movements needed to complete the project

Plug the physical movements into mini day schedule

Clear your mind and move on to the next project

Each project forms another puzzle piece of the Neothink® puzzle picture




Neothink® Secrets Batch 3


Neothink® Secrets Batch 3


Putting the Physical Movements to Work

Fundamental physical movements

Determining basic movements

Daily schedule breakdown

Diagram 3 – three days interlocked

Schedule physical movements to time

Coherent integrated tasks



Leveraged time management tool

Physically streamlined schedule

Diagram 4 – power thinking list

Everything put into motion

Projects broken down into similar tasks


The Underlying Concept that Allows Anyone to Handle Vast Business Horizons

Division of labor

Broken down into smallest possible units

Put into efficient sequential movements

Neothink® control

Isolate and capture essence

Integration of all the puzzle pieces


A Key Concept: A Powerful New Technique – The Mini Day

Each physical movement is a separate mini day

Start on time, end on time

Deadlines stimulate intensity


The Physically Based Job

Income mini day

Mini days within regular job

Increase efficiency and production

Determine physical movements needed to accomplish ambitions

Define goals outside of regular job

Breakdown steps to achieve goals

Enter in mini day schedule before and after income mini day


Setting Up Your Mini Days

List each task as you do the task

You must first get started

Make adjustments after gaining experience

Be flexible enough to reduce stress

Get back on schedule after unavoidable emergencies

Neothink® Secrets Batch 2


Neothink® Secrets Batch 2

Gathering Control

The self capture secrets

Success comes from hard thinking (Harvey Firestone)

Old way of automatic thinking

Old way of externally guided thinking

Integrated thinking

Self thinking

Wealth creation thinking


Discover the Ultimate Working Format  / Neothink® Control

Old way of reacting automatically to the elements

Control the elements with integrated thinking

Replace disjointedness with smooth physical movements

Division of labor

Tightly integrated and highly efficient production

Assembly line of specialized tasks


Breaking Your Job into Smooth Physical Movements

Physically based work

Mentally based work


List Tasks

List every thing you do as you do them

List the time spent on each thing you do

What did you actually complete

What did you want to complete, but did not get to

What will you have to complete the next day


Iron Grip Control / Neothink® Control

Diagram 1

3 days of completed tasks

Identify physical movements

Breakdown into similar physical movements

Diagram 2

Physical movements

Organize into coherent structure

Operating management of loose ends


Neothink® Secrets Batch 1

Neothink® Secrets Batch #1

This is the first in the Series for The Self-Capture Secrets

Neothink® Secrets Batch 1


Demystifying Money and Power

Knowing wealth requires understanding the smallest money producing units.

Knowing wealth and power requires understanding its primordial origins.


Understanding the Smallest Unit of Money and Power

Focus on the nature of making money, the smallest money making unit.

To make money requires deceivingly complex integrations.

An entrepreneur must be everything needed to gain power and wealth.

As business grows the need to integrate grows.


Smashing the Myths 

Through personal experience, one learns the many integrations needed for success.

Making money comes from integration, not inspiration.

Listen to those who have already accomplished that which you seek to do.

Business is a powerful, complex matrix with many, many integrations.

Neothink® Control, first develops the cause, how to become well integrated, which delivers the lasting effect – success.

The fundamental problem blocking success resides within the average person himself.

Eliminate mysticism to discover the grate integrating power of your mind that leads to rapid power and wealth.


The Fast Track Ticket to Becoming Integrated

Clear away the white collar hoax.

Wealth comes down to one earthy fundamental – integration.

Removing Limitations

Removing limitations is a discipline everyone can do.

A methodical process of removing limitations to integrate a profitable business will make you wealthy.

Do the right things long enough consistently.

Neothink® is a mentally integrated thinking process.

Neothink® puzzle of wealth creation.
