Saturday, February 22, 2025

Neothink® Secrets Batch 19

Neothink® Secrets Batch 19

Market Pressures and Neothink®


The Neothink® Company is a Market Driven Company

Business is defined as the dynamic interaction between numbers and values that enables people to create and elevate marketable values and to market those values to expanding markets

Only a marketable product creates value in the business world

Only market pressures elevate products into marketable values

Product development must not be separated from marketing


Where Value Comes From

Most major values came into existence under market pressures

Market pressures elevate inventions or ideas to marketable values


Juan T. Trippe and the Jets

Personally brought commercial jet airliners to reality

Great market pressures forced him into intense integrated thinking

Survival pressure to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges

Integration of all facets of newly created progress in airline industry

R & D programs must be made responsible for making a profit

R & D programs must develop the product and bring it into the marketplace


Market Pressures elevate not Only the Values, but Personal Skill, Competence and Wealth

Confront numbers and dimensions that were never handled before

Develop unique products that capture world markets


The Performance Pay Boost

Integration of numbers and values build profits

Create a continuous data feedback loop

Develop product

Develop marketing

Test in marketplace

Analyze data

Use results to make improvements

Continue to develop product and marketing

Integrate creative efforts with net results to elevate values


Numbers Driven CEO

Snapping together the tracking reports delivers widest understanding

See the comprehensive marketing and numbers picture of the business

Learn the effects of different product development and marketing

Master the dynamic interaction of marketing numbers and product values

Neothink® Secrets Batch 18

Neothink® Secrets Batch 18

Integrating and Coordinating Functions


Step 8

Tracking reports snap together performance pieces to bring control

Small one person businesses will also use tracking reports


Driving Your Neothink® Company to Wealth

Doing the work versus integrating and coordinating the work

Focus on new realms of business


The Powerful Essence Meeting

Outline the forward movement expected the following month

Only essence, forward movement issues are discussed

Review of progress made

Specifically state what must be accomplished

Communicate what is expected and set deadlines

Essence meetings integrate and coordinate forward movement of entire company

Review Diagram 15 for example of Essence meeting agenda

Each essence is covered

Preview next months plans


Knowing the Values and Numbers Better than Anyone Else

Values – the product or service

Numbers – results of marketing the product or service


Numbers, Values, Personnel and Operations

Analyze company wide data and accounting

Develop and produce goods and services

Develop and orchestrate personnel into overall strategy

Develop and improve internal operating strength and efficiency

Set up mini days for each of these business fundamentals

Moving others into action brings maximum leverage


The Longest Range/Highest Leveraged Integrating and Coordinating Function

Essence at first comes from your integrated thinking

Following thru by mini company heads forces them into integrated thinking

They will develop and initiate integrated power thinking on their own

They will provide you with their own essence projects


The Daily Essence Report

Brief report of progress only on essence filed at end of day

What was done on essence that day

What will be done on essence tomorrow

Detail work is included  in tracking reports

Focused Concentration on Building Business

Push forward toward essence

Overcome resistance to integrated thinking


Stay Focused

Confront resistance to change and mysticism

Your Neothink® business can only use integrated thinkers


The Easy Money

Mark daily essence reports with what you want and when

Return updated essence reports first thing following morning


Gauge Your Effectiveness

Push transition into integrated thinking

Anticipate and deal with resistance and excuses


Dismiss a White Collar Hoax Myth

Daily essence report enables you to move straight to the point

Most often works best using non-emotional written communication


The “Judge” Measures Performance – Cuts Out Everything Else

Relentless pressure to build

Steady performance growth


Become the Terminator of Mysticism

People are geniuses at making excuses and rationalization

Confront mysticism and break resistance to integration


The Reversal

Integrated puzzle building causes exhilaration

With integrated thinking, lives will take on new meaning


A Daily Essence Goal

Essence accomplished that day

Essence to be accomplished tomorrow

When mini company head grows essence, you may only need weekly reports

Review Diagram 16 to see example of integrating daily with weekly reports


Daily Essence Report: Effective Format

Integrate daily essence report with monthly essence meeting

Establish actions to be accomplished in the following month

Mini day physical movements to track progress

Replicate process with movement heads


The Division of Essence Breaks Down YOUR Resistance to Integrate

Force yourself into your essence to provide example to others

Integrate and coordinate into new realms by driving forward momentum


Discover the Power of Integrated Thinking

Essence comes first – all other work is a result of essence

Expand essence work and reduce non-essence work

Replicate or automate follow through responsibilities

Use tracking reports and performance pay

Develop procedures, responses and systems to streamline movements


Building an Empire Requires Only a Handful of Integrated Thinkers and a CEO Who Drives Them Forward

Empire building format has to be simple

CEO guides empire forward by integrating and coordinating


The Company Capture Secrets Come Together

Step 1 – Areas of purpose – discover

Step 2 – Split responsibilities – identify

Step 3 – Mentally integrating responsibilities – pull together into purposes

Step 4 – Physical movements – division of labor

Step 5 – Performance pay mini companies – motivate

Step 6 – Replicating – exact copies of all responsibilities

Step 7 – Tracking reports – numbers

Step 8 – Integrating and coordinating functions – forward movement


The Secret Power of the Neothink® System

Capture iron grip control

Enjoy money making progress

Set free hard integrated thinking

Develop physically integrated working format with mini days

Open up time for creative money making with power thinking

Develop tracking reports for iron grip control

Use essence meetings for integration and coordination

Create money making projects for quick acting mini companies

Snap together puzzle picture of success

Neothink® Secrets Batch 17

Neothink® Secrets Batch 17

Tracking Reports 

 Step 7 

            Multiply your control to handle greater complexities

            Use tracking reports to go far beyond the capacity of the ordinary mind

            Snap together the division of essence into one solid puzzle picture

Everything Comes Together Into a Mighty Neothink® Puzzle

            Capture clusters of thoughts of vast integrations

            Combine mini day power thinking team with mini company power tracking team

            Review diagram 13 pages 168-169 to recognize simple and efficient structure

            Total integrated control of all responsibilities with these tools


The Tracking Reports

            Develop unique integrated tracking reports of each responsibility

            Design reports to force details to be done right and on time

            Rely on tracking reports to manage people and mini companies

            Review diagram 14 pages 171-181 for examples of tracking reports


Designing the Tracking Reports

            Each responsibility should be answered directly or indirectly

            Make tracking report force issues to be taken care of at the source

            Strict auditing controls will prevent problems from occurring

            Power think how company would run perfectly and grow wealth  

            Optimize tracking reports until they truly manage the work


Using Tracking Reports

            Iron grip control of all mini companies is at your fingertips

            Create maximum integration puzzle parts

            Snap together to see the interlocked picture in your mind


The Essence Tracking Reports

            Closely examine essence and follow through reports at first

            As mini company heads gain experience you can focus on essence reports

            Mini company heads will always use all responsibility tracking reports

            Financial and marketing reports for each mini company are essential

Review essence tracking reports on pages 172-176 for essential data

Integrate and coordinate each mini company for maximum growth


The Mini Company Head and His Essence Tracking Reports 

            Data sheets measuring costs and efforts against net profit

            Reports are used to calculate and measure performance

            Reports are used to make decisions on how to improve performance

Neothink® Secrets Batch 16

Neothink® Secrets Batch 16



Step 6

Pull together the clusters of mentally integrating responsibilities into

areas of purpose

Replicating is transferring entire areas of purpose into mini company

First demand is to know all the nitty-gritty details of the business itself

Second demand is learning and integrating the crucial details

Third demand is knowing and advancing the essence of the business


Stage 1: Full Scale Working Meetings

You will do all the work yourself while your successor observes at your side

Explain the reasons for what you do to convey the big picture

Your successor will take, not be given, charge of crucial detail

Replicate full areas of purpose to transfer and integrate all details


Stage 2: Focusing on Crucial Detail

Meetings now focus on crucial details for broader integrations

Track progress as mini company begins to generate wealth


Stage 3: Building Your Start Up Company through the Essence

Your successor takes full control of their area of purpose

Essence is that which can move the business beyond its current level

Your successor will begin feeding new integrations to you


More on Replicating

Number of projects, programs and volume of business grows

Recognize what and when to replicate based on efficiency


Replicating Allows Everyone to Drive on Essence

Enables iron grip control for CEO and mini company heads

Review diagram 12 on page 161 for one page summary



Delegating comes from mysticism

White collar hoax perpetuates lack of integrated thinking



Increases integrations for both employer and employee

Task of replicating will pass to mini company heads


Iron Grip Control

First replicate the work

Second develop special tracking reports for iron grip control

Neothink® Secrets Batch 15

Neothink® Secrets Batch 15

The Performance Pay Mini Companies

Step 5

Integrate not only each job with making money, but also each person

Put each person with their area of purpose on performance pay

They are now personally integrated and motivated with the net profit

To build profits they are integrated into self guidance


Essence Driven

The essence of business, to build values and profits, gets driven forward

Each area of purpose generates revenue, a piece of money making essence

Every person in the company focuses on performance


Effect of the Division of Essence

Fundamental integration is to measure costs and efforts against net profits

Even the physical follow through jobs can go on performance pay


Follow Through Jobs

Carefully designed to send a person into maximizing their potential

Change from a mechanical job into a widely integrated entrepreneurial job


Performance Pay =

Achieves excellent control, greater efficiency, increased capacity to expand

Expert numbers evaluation, marketing analysis, increased value to company


Performance Pay Specifics

Well designed performance pay will increase revenue

Integrated with all the disciplines of making money

Based on net income after all costs are taken out


The Neothink® World Summit

Use the mini day – power thinking team to begin your start up company

Keep and understand all the mentally integrating responsibilities

Every area of purpose can be put on performance pay


A Powerful New Concept: The Mini Company

Each area of purpose on performance pay is a mini company

Operated just like an independent company within your company


Performance Pay Tip

Setting up effective performance pay requires experience

Start slowly with bonuses based on net profits

It is easier to add to performance pay than to take it away

Evolve the mini company into full performance pay

Neothink® Secrets Batch 14

Neothink® Secrets Batch 14

 Uncovering the Physical Movements of the Company

The True Division of Labor – Step 4

List the basic responsibilities of your business

Determine the purpose for each responsibility

This responsibility exists due to ___

Refer to diagram 8 on pages 108-109 & diagram 9 on page 110

Pull together the areas of purpose – diagram 10 on page 111

You must keep integrated control over your area of purpose

This is a guideline for replicating the entire area of purpose

Defining the Physical Movements of the Company

The money making purpose is the physical movement

Integrated areas of purpose represent the true division of labor

Division of labor areas of purpose produces integrated thinking


The Division of Essence – A Business Leap

Integrating responsibilities evolves into the division of essence

Essence of the business gets divided into areas of purpose

Division of labor must include mentally integrating responsibilities

Tail of responsibilities is listed under each area of purpose

Thinking requires a physical act, therefore it is a physical movement

Nitty gritty details come together with physical movements


Profit Machines

Pull together mentally integrating responsibilities into money making purpose

Only the physical movements of building wealth remain


Job Power

Make each physical movement a job with essence

Each person has the knowledge to directly deal with all responsibilities

Growth expands the number of projects and volume of business

New area of purpose is replicated to another person


Entrepreneur Power

Establish employee in a physical movement (fully integrated area of purpose)

They will take integrated control of entire physical movement


How to Rise to the Top, Wherever You Work

Follow the same steps as if it were your own business

Choose the area of purpose you would enjoy for yourself

Study the tail of responsibilities under area of purpose you indentified

Learn the details behind each of those responsibilities

Begin to do all of those nitty gritty details, gradually absorbing more of them

Neothink® Secrets Batch 13

Neothink® Secrets Batch 13

Mentally Integrating Responsibilities

Step 3

Each responsibility in business can be attached to its money making purpose

All responsibilities in the business become wealth building responsibilities

Pull together mentally integrating responsibilities

All responsibilities integrate into their purposes that build wealth

You must be able to handle 100% self guidance

Self guidance comes thru the accumulative tools of the Neothink® System


What Are Mentally Integrating Responsibilities?

Responsibilities come together into the same purpose for one mind to integrate

One person carries all the integrations in their head

This is the next major step into integrated thinking

Keeping data is a responsibility that drives the purpose

Plotting and integrating data yourself brings you closer to the action

Absorb and integrate the numbers for iron grip control

Allows you to out-compete nonintegrated businesses

Link together mentally integrating responsibilities for gaining momentum

Create integrated clusters of unbroken momentum (areas of purpose)

Replicate integrated clusters instead of delegating specific tasks

Bring every one on your team into the Neothink® System

Neothink®Secrets Batch 12

Neothink® Secrets Batch 12

Split Responsibilities

Areas of purpose can build wealth and grow without limits – Step 2

Pull together the basic responsibilities into their money making purposes

Only areas of purpose can build wealth

Eradicate deep rooted bicameral tendencies

Break free from the specialized business structure

End the following mode mentality

Eliminate blocks imposed by all forms of personal and business mysticism


Dump Tradition

Prepare for self guidance

Identify the limitations encountered in business

Delegating comes from seeking easy automatic answers to escape integrating

Integrated thinking is the only solution that builds wealth

Integrate all realms of business rather than reacting in specialized methods

Division of labor divides tasks into smooth physical movements

Employees interlock responsibilities to wealth building area of purpose


Uncovering the Split Responsibilities

Split responsibilities remove tasks from area of purpose thru delegation

Separation into or within departments result in loss of control and integration

Responsibilities are the means to an end

Attach responsibilities to their purpose


Recognizing the Deception

Managing split responsibilities takes away time from essence work

Carry all the integrations in your head to build the business

Imagine every person in a company responsible for forward movement

Ordinary people can handle areas of purpose, integrating both body and mind

Working on the edge of breakthroughs is a driving motivation


No Stopping the Neothink® Company

Foundation of Neothink® Control is removing limitations

Integrate all jobs with generating profits

Company Capture breakthrough becomes your fast track ticket to profits

Neothink® Secrets Batch 11


Neothink® Secrets Batch 11 

Dump the American Dream, Go for an Empire


The Company Capture Secrets: Purpose – Step 1

The purpose of business is to build wealth

Responsibilities become the means to build their purpose

Define the areas in your business that can grow without limits


Diagram 7: List the Basic Responsibilities of Your Company

Learn to take over an area of purpose

This process will show what you need to break free from stagnation


Diagram 8: Define the Responsibilities’ Purpose

Each basic responsibility needs a purpose

e.g. This responsibility exists due to what wealth building purpose?

A responsibility cannot exist by itself


Diagram 9: Overview of Basic Responsibilities and Their Areas of Purpose

Some responsibilities may exist in more than one purpose

Responsibilities split off into departments are not integrated with their purpose


Diagram 10: Put Together the Areas of Purpose

One person will handle an area of purpose in a company

As the company grows, areas of purpose divide into specific projects


Essence Responsibilities

Drive the area of purpose into existence and drive it forward

These are specific to one area of purpose

These actions must be done by the one person in charge

Knowing the score by recording data, results, financial numbers etc.


Follow Through Work Responsibilities

Occur as a result of the area of purpose

These may relate to multiple areas of purpose

In beginning one will handle all the responsibilities

Tasks can be replicated to others as physical movements

Integrated iron grip control is vital to success

Via tracking reports

Via essence meetings

Neothink® Secrets Batch 10


Neothink® Secrets Batch 10 

Questions and Answers About Neothink® Control


Mini day schedule

What are advantages of mini day schedule?

Can an average person become money/power giant?

By integrating all basic movements of your job and your life into the mini day schedule you can essentially control everything that moves

Neothink® control gives the average person the control, creativity and motivation needed to create wealth


What exactly is Neothink® Control?

Neothink® Control is the integrated control one experiences with the mini day power thinking team

Every new project gets moved into quick action

Every thing is accounted for

Always in control and on schedule

Each mini day is attacked with intensity and certainty

Feel at ease and function dynamically

Become super competent and successful


Why are people working hard yet not really getting ahead?

Learn to interlock the many seemingly chaotic responsibilities and snap together all the puzzle pieces

Bring all responsibilities together into tightly integrated units that you control


What about nitpick details that prevent more profitable work?

The nitty gritty details are the operations of management

Put those indispensible details in a mini day to move through quickly each day


How do you handle interruptions?

Concentrate on what you directly control, namely your schedule and its efficient interaction with the interruption

Unpredictable interruptions may appear at any time, yet you never need to get off mini day schedule

Physical movements stay integrated with time


Do you ever get thrown off your mini day schedule?

Deadlines can temporarily amplify a basic movements’ importance

Emergencies can temporarily shift the mini day schedule

The mini day schedule requires discipline, thought and control


How was mini day concept discovered?

Recognition of the need for greater control

Understanding that the nature of management is integration


What about battling stress?

Being in control alleviates stress


What will happen as this powerful information spreads?

The lives of ordinary people will become much easier, richer and happier

Everyone can focus on the crucial area of creating wealth

Discover things you would otherwise never see

Advance in ways you would otherwise never consider


Power thinking shortcut

What exactly is power thinking shortcut?

The necessary ingredient to activate your nature using your mind


Is it true power thinking is easy to do?

As easy as thinking clearly with purpose


If power thinking is easy, why doesn’t everyone use it?

The stagnation trap of a specialized job obstructs your true nature of using your mind to its full potential


How do ordinary people capture future money today?

Turn long range projects into mechanical steps

Do the right things long enough consistently

Engage in coordinated forward accomplishment


Could the average person double their income in a year?

Power thinking makes your mind powerful and unlimited

Break out of following mode and into lucrative and limitless integrating mode


Why do management and success books not contain mini day and power thinking?

Misinterpretation of the multifaceted nature of management

Neothink® Control captures the nature of managing all areas simultaneously


What will happen to the lives of ordinary people when they use the mini day schedule and power thinking shortcut?

They will release their full human potential for value creation


The Future Starts Tomorrow Morning  

Prepare to set up your mini day

Determine your basic physical movements

Determine what percentage of time needed for each physical movement

Determine best placement in your day for each physical movement

Mentally power think steps needed for each project

Inject the tasks needed to complete each step into mini day