Thursday, February 20, 2025

Neothink® Secrets Batch 27

Neothink® Secrets Batch 27

Removing the Negative Personnel – The Integration Blockers


Integrated Thinking Gets Blocked by Cancer Seeds

Cancer seeds retard or block company wide integrated thinking

Cancer seeds shut down the evolution into Neothink® among personnel

Taking on integrated thinking for the first time can be a challenge

Integrated thinking will overcome mysticism and the path of least resistance


Cut Cancer Seeds

Personnel can offer more potential leverage than anything else in your business

The emotions of the personnel in your business must be free of impurities

Cancer seeds must be removed regardless of the quality of their work

A person should be fired when they are a tumor within your company

Objective questions and suggestions to management are needed and valid


How to Never Hire a Cancer Seed

In a Neothink® company personnel focus on productivity and responsibility

Make it clear to employee that their mini company must sustain itself

Survival pressures will force integrated thinking


Unleashing the Great Potential of Personnel

Mini company head must become the integrator to unleash full potential

When they become integrators you will control explosive leverage

With full control they will see the big picture and potential rewards

Everyone is in position to do integrated thinking and make exciting progress


The Self Leaders

Self responsible mini company structure integrated with performance pay

Create self leaders who will genuinely care about the company

Drive for cost controls and efficiencies for performance pay

Self leaders will develop the characteristics of business leaders

Fill your company with an all star lineup of self leaders
