Thursday, February 20, 2025

Neothink® Secrets Batch 16

Neothink® Secrets Batch 16



Step 6

Pull together the clusters of mentally integrating responsibilities into

areas of purpose

Replicating is transferring entire areas of purpose into mini company

First demand is to know all the nitty-gritty details of the business itself

Second demand is learning and integrating the crucial details

Third demand is knowing and advancing the essence of the business


Stage 1: Full Scale Working Meetings

You will do all the work yourself while your successor observes at your side

Explain the reasons for what you do to convey the big picture

Your successor will take, not be given, charge of crucial detail

Replicate full areas of purpose to transfer and integrate all details


Stage 2: Focusing on Crucial Detail

Meetings now focus on crucial details for broader integrations

Track progress as mini company begins to generate wealth


Stage 3: Building Your Start Up Company through the Essence

Your successor takes full control of their area of purpose

Essence is that which can move the business beyond its current level

Your successor will begin feeding new integrations to you


More on Replicating

Number of projects, programs and volume of business grows

Recognize what and when to replicate based on efficiency


Replicating Allows Everyone to Drive on Essence

Enables iron grip control for CEO and mini company heads

Review diagram 12 on page 161 for one page summary



Delegating comes from mysticism

White collar hoax perpetuates lack of integrated thinking



Increases integrations for both employer and employee

Task of replicating will pass to mini company heads


Iron Grip Control

First replicate the work

Second develop special tracking reports for iron grip control
